Saturday 26 October 2013

SAMR model: Where are YOU?

Hi, there!
This post will be about the SAMR model (you may find info here:, which is a model put forward by Ruben Puentedura regarding the different levels of technology integration in the classroom to enhance learning. He posits that there are 4 levels of technology integration, the first two levels (Substitution & Augmentation) belong to the Enhancement "group" while the other two levels (Modification Redefinition) belong to the Transformation "group".

Here is a short video which explains these four levels in a clear and concise way:

So, teachers, where are you in this model? Have you already achieved the Redefinition level? As for myself, as I am not actually teaching at the moment, it is difficult for me to think about how I go about these things. However, I would venture to say that I am still at the Substitution level. Still, I do have some prejudices against the use of technology just for the sake of it, I think there must be some meaningful purpose to it, but I still need to work on ideas to implement!


  1. Hi Aldana! Very interesting post!! Well, I'm not actually teaching too, so it's hard to tell where I am... I would say that I'm still in the "enhancement group" unfortunately!

    Sofía C

    1. Thank you for commenting, Sofía! I think it's a long process and we need to be aware of a lot of things so we can make good choices. I'm sure we'll get there eventually! ;)

  2. Hello!
    I am teaching, and I am techy, but I'm still at the Augmentation level. I'm truly a technophile, but that doesn't mean that I know all about using technology meaningfully in the classroom - on the contrary, I'm just starting to integrate teaching and technology.

    See you

    1. Well, for a start it is great you can identify yourself as a technophile... I wouldn't describe myself as a technophile per se, but I am definitely not a technophobe either. I guess I just need more awareness as to what the options available are, or I have this (distorted, maybe) idea that using technology is not necessarily better than not using it. So I guess I just need reassurance that technology use will be meaningful or I just don't bother. On the other hand, there are so many things out there (in "the cloud") that it is a pity not to profit from it in our classes!
      Thank you for visiting and commenting! :)
