Sunday 17 November 2013

Curate on!

To discuss the topic of curating content, I will first borrow’s words on it: 

“ is a content curation platform -- meaning awesome people (with a little robotic assistance) like you tirelessly search the internet searching out the absolute best content available online, enrich it with their own expert thoughts, and then share it with the world. Curation, in other words, is the meaningful selection and display of great content.” 

As tells us, there are three elements in content curation: you, who do the “curating”, the content, and an expert on the content you are interested in. To understand the concept of curating, it is useful to think of a museum curator. What does he do? He puts together the elements and materials which are of valuable importance and organizes them according to a certain criterion. Well, content curation is similar: you do research on a topic of your interest, and you get the info from the people who REALLY know about it, you make a meaningful selection of all the info (“content”) you find, and then you share, not only your selection, but your insight on what you have selected, with whoever is keen on seeing it! It’s that simple! Here’s my link in case you’re wondering, but I still have to add many things! 

Here’s a picture to help the visual ones and to make it more graphic: 

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