Friday 15 November 2013

Working on speaking skills: One

Group: 6th form (primary)

Level: Pre-intermediate

Aim: To improve students’ speaking skills

Activity: Collaborative story writing

The Teacher divides the class in groups of 5, ideally. The teacher gives sts each group a different title for them to use as triggers. Each student is supposed to write a part of the story at home (no longer than 2 paragraphs) and bring it to the class for the Teacher to check. Once it is checked, the following student takes it home in order to write the next paragraph. When the whole story is complete, they record it using Voxopop ( and adding pictures chosen by themselves.

Afterwards, students are asked to explore 2 of their classmates’ productions. Then, they report on them in the class.

Variant: The teacher may choose to host a Collaborative Story Festival (watching all the productions at school when they are all finished) and have students comment on the positive aspects of the stories their partners have produced.

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